Friend heads up – I’m going live soon

Dear Friend,

We’re only minutes away from re-connecting and from you gaining a fresh perspective to overcome some of the challenges you are likely to be facing right now.

This Facebook Live session seems to be the best way that we can connect in a fast and easy format, yet you can still get valuable insights.

You deserve a few minutes to gain a fresh perspective that could add massive power to the rest of your day and your week.

Starting in the next 30 minutes at 7pm UK time.

Don’t miss it, click below to join!

Join In
We’ll see you soon!



LCS Data Management 7100 Regency Square Suite 230-6 Houston, Texas 77036 United States 1 (713) 909-3171

Friend let me explain… Live

Join me for an incredible live event

Video explanation from me
Hi Friend

Thank you, thank you.

I’ve been a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of people who are asking “what happened?”, “where have you been?” and “what or who’s behind the sudden re-emergence?”

Rather than send a form email out, I’d rather have a more meaningful connection.

To do this, I’m going to do my first Facebook Live broadcast at 7 pm on Wednesday 6th September.

It would be great to see you there. This is NOT a ‘business talk’, it’s a ‘life’ talk for everyone I know.

I will also share some of the insight and feedback from the network of people who have overcome some SERIOUS challenges over the past two years. It’s just 30 minutes and I hope to make it a time of sharing, insight, encouragement and inspiration.

So, tune in Wednesday 6th September, 7:00 pm GMT HERE


Marcellus Lindsay
"The i2i Coach"

LCS Data Management 7100 Regency Square Suite 230-6 Houston, Texas 77036 United States 1 (713) 909-3171